The Orgasm of A Modern Lot (21)
The Eye You See Is Not an Eye Because You See It, but Because It Sees You.
--Antonia Machado |
© Eso A. B., 2012
The Man of the Enlightened Age set about destroying God’s creation, for example, the buffalos, the wolves, the wild pigeons. When some ‘primitive’ men protested, they, too, were destroyed, and the number of “enlightened” men and women multiplied.
If one does not believe in God, or believes that God is a human creation after ‘the fact’ of creation, then creation is subject to intelligence only after the fact. In the beginning, creation simply happens and one learns to live with it as the birds and the bees do to this day.
However, if human beings create God, He-She becomes an outgrowth of not only presumably innate intelligence in matter (energy, subatomic particles, matter, molecules, etc.) or “intelligence and God” are synonyms, and may perhaps be likened to something akin to an “aura” of matter. Like it or not, it then behoves for the aura of intelligence or God to perform divinely and, hopefully, without causing violence, pain, and directed death to bystanders.
Meditation is one way to participate in experiencing the “aura”. The early meditators, Tibetan monks, budhists, and those sympathetic to their experience, called the still-life aura, a mandala. A flower is a mandala created in nature, in and out of itself. The lotus is frequently the flower chosen to represent the unity of being and the universe. When a mandala-aura is accompanied by soothing sound of music, it projects a calming effect on those on the receiving end of the effect.
The Enlightenment arrived and the “enlightened” forbade the creation of God or an all encompassing mandala or hologram. Unleashed to be “creative”, much of humankind became violent when its “creations” did not satisfy. The following seqence of events approximates, sans the sight of death, the modern experience of the “secular spectacle”.
Today we are already bored with the “spectacle (it will suffice if you read only the 1st entry of the link, the sentence by Feuerbach”. Today we have no such problems as the Aztecs had with the sun rising. Today, thanks to ‘innovative technology’ the sun in London may rise early , where a two hours premature sunrise replaces the tense impatience of a fifty-two year delay of sunrise at Teotihuacan. In the event of the latter, it is not an early sun over Trafalgar Square, but the blood spattered corpse of the Moon Goddess, Coyolxauhiqu, thrown down the steps of Templo Mayor.
However, never fear that the opposition “to our freedom, our very way of life” (--G.W. Busch) will last for long and not be updated with an “arab spring”.
The wonders of ‘the modern mind’ have been unleashed and are clearly out of control, and in control of uncreative oligarchs from Ghengis Khan.
In post-Mao Tse Tung’s Beijing, Chinese construction workers fortified by “free” Viagra tablets, may reconstruct the Twin Towers in 60 days or less. A video of how the Chinese construction workers, sans women, have for themselves a 30-story high erection in 15 days: here. Though the erectile object is square, the result has an amazingly sexual in effect....... : the orgasm is spectacular: simply click here to enjoy it.
And this is what happens after the orgasm is over! The collapse of the organic erectile tissue has metamorphosed into a technical age spectacle.
And then?
If you thought this was the end of it, you will have to think again. The age of spectacle will not be left behind even in sorrow that the Aatec people might have experienced. Here comes the resurrection necrophilia. Note the female necrophiliacs.
When we speak of necrophilia in our time, we tend to imagine males violating female corpses, but that is not how the people of ancient times imagined it. Isis is said to have hovered above the dead Osiris and become pregnant from Osiris coming alive for her. Indeed, it has been a long time since females tried to raise a dead man’s cock.
* * *
The age of spectacle is of course a most awful joke on the people who remain conscious of their time. Nevertheless, behind the ridiculous aspects are camouflaged the most hidden and subjective sorrows of humankind.
We may explore a little of this more serious aspect by looking back to ancient Kush, located near the rift valley where humankind is believed to have first arisen. You may wish to explore the sights of this awesome country by going on a search of your own. Often, we express our feelings of loss best through songs.
Let us return to the silencing of the human voice by spectacle (an additive to violence) of our times. Here is how Guy Debord puts it: “To this list of the triumphs of power, we should add, however, one result which has proved negative: once the running of a state involves a permanent and massive shortage of historical knowledge, that state can no longer be led strategically.”
As the quote is from Retort, “Afflicted Powers”, this is what the book’s authors have to say about Debord’s comment:
“Of course, he [Guy Debord] knew that the past is a ‘construction’; but a construction, he believed, made of obdurate and three-dimensional materials, constantly resisting anyone frame, and which only the machinery of forgetting could make fully tractable to power…. But even Debord sometimes took (cold) comfort from the recognition that the state too lived the nightmare, and would suffer the consequences. For it could no longer learn from the past: it had progressively dismantled the contexts….”
That is our horror. This is what anyone of us sees, if we are not born of the necropolis.