Thursday, March 22, 2012

End: The King Must Die.  (30)
The Moon over the Kings Graveyard.
 © Eso A. B., 2012

At in the following link philosopher Žižek mentions “poetry”. What Žižek says is: “no ethnic cleanthing without poetry”, and goes on to state that some such “pervert strength” is needed to “arouse people”. Of course, Žižek does not recommend ethnic cleanthing, but the statement is made in view of the likelihood (fact, I would say) that we live in ‘the end time’. Unfortunately, the malaise of our times is such that most people act as if such an ‘end time’ will go on for ever.

The number of “my wealth virus” blogs shows that an ‘end time’ can go on for a long time.

[Originally, I visualized this series some 23 blogs long. 23 is a favourite number of mine. I heard the number in my ears out of the blue many decades ago (in the early 1980s) while walking along an a busily trafficked asphalt road in Seabrook, New Hampshire, and, of course, I thought it was a paraidelia of sound. In spite of the casualness of the moment, the memory of it will not go away to this day.)

In my case, the ‘Wealth Virus’ likely began with the arrival in Latvia of a Herrnhuter from somewhere in the Habsburg Empire, perhaps from Bosnia (where Žižek stems from). This was sometime in the middle of the 18th century. The consequences of this arrival are still having effect on me, though in some ways my experience of the 20th century has turned me sympathetic to Luddites, and would be happy to replace the automobile  (I believe the day will come when it will happen) with the horse.

Wherever else my subjective thoughts may have me think, they lead me to agree with Žižēk that there has to occur a moment that will “arouse people”. This is one reason why I hold on to my perception of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. The play is both poetry and tragedy, and it has the potential of stirring up many people’s paraidolias concerning death. My personal paraidolic vision is that somehow a friendly and smiling Stalin appears before me, and offers me a shot of vodka along with a pistol. After we down the drink, Stalin takes the pistol and prepares to hand it to me, saying: “I am sorry, man, for being responsible your father was shot.” I take the pistol, but hand it back to Stalin, and say: “Joseph, I rather you do it yourself. Since you had your stroke young (72 years), I give you yet another nine years to live; but then—no ifs or but—just do it. I do not mind if you do not use the pistol. If you prefer, go ahead, and order the concoction from the Swiss, but you must gather the courage and take your life. I also do not mind if you travel to Latvia to do it, because the export of Euthanasia is the only way their economy can survive there.”

I am definitely against killing people or any live thing, for that matter, unless there has been some extreme provocation that involved loss of innocent life. At the same time, I am not against the so-called Sacred King (whoever he-she may be) ordering an execution by offering the murdered the opportunity to take his-her own life by his-he own hand.

This is what the citizens of Thebes (in the person of Tiresias) demanded from Oedipus Rex when the truth about him is discovered.

* * *

An interesting reverberation on self-sacrifice from China.  refers to an AP article in the Washington Post, re “China Website Accuses Dalai Lama of ‘Nazi-Style’ Racial Policies, advocating Self-Immolations.'"

This author has for some time advocated the view that any self-enclosed government system (without an exit clause, by way of, for example, direct democratic elections) is innately a fascist form of government, because it advocates a welfare system for its own members, and is exclusionary with regard to equality to all who are not members of the government body or are in some other way outside the ‘system’.

The fact that the Chinese government finds the resistance of Tibetan monks and nuns through self-immolation (self-sacrifice) as ‘Nazi-Style’ is fer  One Who Flew Over the Cockoos Nest, or should one say  ‘Chinese policy of acquiring more Lebensraum at the expense of Tibetan freedom to chose their own communal way of being?’ What will the Chinese government say when the Chinese people themselves will begin to resist their fascists? Call them “Nazis?”

“Oedipux Rex Rewritten” is a universally known tragedy that clearly responds to the presumptions of Chinese government’s fascist presumptions, which, as the play’s centuries long repression gives evidence to, is nothing new. Maybe it is time for Chinese government officials to earn their charisma by self-sacrifice, and if they do not like to do it the hard way by self-immolation, then go to Switzerland and do it the painless way.

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